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Learn How to Make E-Invoice in Excel and Generate IRN & QR Code

Hello Fiends! From 1st October 2022, E-Invoice is compulsory who have turnover more than 10 Crores, previously it was 20 Crores and before that it was 50 Crores. Many of us still confused how to make E-Invoice and generate unique IRN and QR code for our Invoice.

In this post I'll cover the steps to generate E-Invoice. To do so first of all you have to download an offline tool which is popularly known as GePP tool (GST e-Invoice Preparing & Printing tool) which can be downloaded from the below link: https://einvoice1.gst.gov.in/Documents/NIC-GePP.xlsm after downloading open the excel file below is the screenshot:

Here, you have to create Masters first to go further. First Create Supplier Profile, then Recipient Master and then Product Master. After creating click on New Invoice and select the recipient name and select invoice categories as required. After that input your product and rates and click on preview invoice. If it's ok click on confirm and click on Validate and create JSON file. The JSON file will be save to your desktop by default.

The next step is to login into e-Invoice portal by clicking on the link https://einvoice1.gst.gov.in/  and login with your credentials and captcha code. Screenshot as below:

Now, Click on Bulk Upload. Screenshot below:

After clicking on bulk upload, select the JSON file which was previously save to your desktop. Screenshot below:

After uploading JSON file you will have three options, out of which you can directly download the PDF invoice from there which will contain IRN & QR code and if you want to upload it to the GePP tool then download the excel file from there and upload to the GePP tool and you will be able to print the invoice whenever you wish as it saves the file to the excel.

It's and advice to save it to the GePP tool as online print option is available for only two days. So Friends, I hope you like the post and hope it will be very helpful for your personal or professional work. If you have any question regarding the post please comment below.

If you want to view the steps practically, please visit our YouTube Channel @CueTricks and go to video tutorial with practical please click on the link given below:

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Learn How to Make E-Invoice in Excel and Generate IRN & QR Code

Hello Fiends! From 1st October 2022, E-Invoice is compulsory who have turnover more than 10 Crores, previously it was 20 Crores and before t...

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